Rubus ideas

Rubus idaeus; Eng: Raspberry: Ita: Lampone; Swe: Hallon.








Part used: Leaves collected in the early summer and fruit when ripe in summer.

Constituents: Leaves: fragarine, tannins, volatile oil, polypetides, flavonoids. Fruit: sugars, citric and malic acid, vitamins A, B, C, E, pectin, volatile oil, iron, calcium, phosphorus.

Actions: astringent, tonic, antispasmodic, parturient, mineralizing.

Medical uses:  Raspberry leaves contain a relaxant antispasmodic and soothing volatile oil, that decreases the prostaglandin production, alleviating painful periods . Its astringent proprieties makes it also useful for heavy bleeding, vaginal discharge and leucorrhoea. Rubus ideas improves fertility in women and men thanks to its tonic action on the reproductive system. It alleviates morning sickness and nausea in pregnancy, especially when extending into second semester. It is an excellent uterine muscles tonic and it strengthen and tones the womb preparing mothers for childbirth. Rubus ideas controls hemorrhage during labour. It encourages milk production and restores the womb tissues after the birth. It may be used in case of threaten miscarriage combine with Leonurus cardiaca. Rubus idaeus is also useful as mouthwash for ulcers and inflammations of the mouth, sore throat, and tonsillitis. As eyewash for conjunctivitis. The fruit is rich in vitamins and minerals, it can be used in case of anemia.

Dosage: 2-3 ml 1:5 25% tincture, three times a day. Tea: 2 teaspoons of the dried herb for one cup  infusion 10-15 min. three times a day (in pregnancy: it can be taken about three month before birth).


by Phytoart, Xilef Welner

The information provided by Phytoart by Xi – MeleTao on this website and via other social media channels is for personal information and interest only. It is not intended to offer treatment for any condition.





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